30 Corona impact in the United States exceeded one million!.

The number of people affected by corona virus in the United States exceeds 30 million. Turned into a killing ground for collier.

The number of victims in the country, which has become a killer's killer, was down last week.  But by the 4th day, the number of people affected by the catastrophe has exceeded 50 thousand.

In the past 24 hours, 51 thousand new infections have been reported, so far the number of victims has increased to 31 lakhs 48 thousand.

More than 750 people died in the same day, the number of victims so far exceeding one million 34 thousand.

Though more than 13 lakh people have returned from treatment, another 16 lakh are still receiving treatment in hospitals.  It is noteworthy that 15 thousand of them are receiving life-threatening treatment.